Bike donation keeps twin's memory alive

Written on 11/04/2023
Edwin Faunce

This article is brought to you by the Committee to Elect Joni Delon.

There are so many people in this community willing to stand up and help each other. It makes me proud to live in Kokomo! Thank you to everyone who gives their time, treasure, and talents! Let’s keep that strong sense of unity going! As a member of the Kokomo Common Council, I have the opportunity to give something back as well. Please, join me in supporting our local nonprofit efforts, and please consider giving me your vote for Kokomo Common Council District 2 on Nov. 7!

There is a particularly strong bond between siblings, even more so with twins. That could explain why Justin Huddleston felt compelled to carry out his late twin brother Jordan's tradition of giving to others in need during the holidays and he acted upon it.

Huddleston, a branch chief with the Defense Finance and Accounting Service in Indianapolis, decided to keep his brother's philanthropy alive by organizing a charity golf outing to purchase bicycles for area children at Christmas.

"Every Christmas, Jordan would go out and buy some new bicycles for random kids that didn't have any," said Huddleston.

Jordan passed away in December 2022 from cancer, and Huddleston was still trying to process the death of his brother at age 33. Both twins, graduates of Tri-Central High School in Sharpsville, were student athletes and avid golfers. Huddleston decided to put together the event with the sport that he and his brother loved so much.

In August, the first "Bikes 'fore' Kids in Honor of Jordan Huddleston" event brought out 120 golfers to participate at Kokomo's Chippendale golf course.

"It's been my therapy," he said. "He was my brother. He was my best friend. It's been my therapy for sure."

The bikes were purchased with golfer registration fees and donations from others in the community. On Monday, Huddleston pulled up with a U-Haul truck at Kokomo Urban Outreach on Locke Street with 25 new bikes for the non-profit youth organization. Another 15 went to the Kokomo Rescue Mission.

On Wednesday, at Kokomo Urban Outreach's Huddle meeting Huddleston received a round of applause in appreciation from the group as he told the story of losing his brother and his late sibling's spirit of giving to kids in need during the holidays.

"We are going to do it again next year," said Huddleston.